Hello and welcome to the blog of first Australian Labradoodles in Poland! Here we will be showing you our everyday life, what we do, who we are - especially for those of you who can not visit us in person. Enjoy reading! If you want to read more about Australian Labradoodles please visit the website: www.labradoodle.com.pl

niedziela, 9 stycznia 2011

Socialization through enriching enviroment (pictures of our puppies)

Slo­gan „Socia­li­sa­tion” is now being com­monly used in bre­eder socie­ties. A lot of them are very serious about the mat­ter, too serious some­ti­mes. From the early days pup­pies are often put into stress­ful situ­ations – early neu­ro­lo­gi­cal sti­mu­la­tion, early and too rough socia­li­za­tion which some­ti­mes begins at 3 weeks of age when the puppy is taken into a car for a drive. We let pup­pies listen to the radio with loud music, gun shots, dif­fe­rent noises. We act for the good sake of the pup­pies not reali­zing that it is very easy to overdo and to obtain totally dif­fe­rent result that we expect.
During the first weeks of their life pup­pies need quiet, peace­ful envi­ron­ment and their mother aro­und them all the time. When we start wor­king with them we sho­uld never ever turn on the radio too loud or expose them to loud, sud­den sounds. We sho­uld not turn the pup­pies on for pur­pose.
Instead we sho­uld help them build their self-confidence.
I invite you to watch the videos and pic­tu­res of 5 week old pup­pies for which enri­ched envi­ron­ment was build. Pup­pies get to meet dif­fe­rent sti­muli, they meet dif­fe­rent objects, smells (goat, fox, boar), they have an occa­sion to find them­se­lves in dif­fe­rent situ­ations – on, under or inside some­thing. They must accu­stom it with nice feeling. We hide dif­fe­rent tre­ats on such a play­gro­und and all they have to do is sniff. See for your­self – how rela­xed they are, how they acti­vate their sen­ses. Five weeks old pup­pies that do not run like crazy, do not tear each others’ ears but they sniff quie­tly. We can hear the music in the distance – but the sound is peace­ful and quiet. Lul­la­bies or chil­dren sto­ries are tur­ned on when the lec­tor is spe­aking slowly with toned voice. Some pup­pies would sit in front of the loud­spe­akers looking like hyp­no­ti­zed. ;-)
So shor­tly spe­aking – intro­du­cing dif­fe­rent sti­muli – YES, howe­ver slowly as over sti­mu­la­ting can do much harm to the puppies.

Please see the below videos:




Elzbieta Gajewska
Włochata Pasja

First Professional Australian Labradoodle Kennel in Poland

Fokker van originele Australian Labradoodles

Pierwsza hodowla Australijskich Labradoodle w Polsce

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