Hello and welcome to the blog of first Australian Labradoodles in Poland! Here we will be showing you our everyday life, what we do, who we are - especially for those of you who can not visit us in person. Enjoy reading! If you want to read more about Australian Labradoodles please visit the website: www.labradoodle.com.pl

środa, 19 stycznia 2011

How we are with children?? See it for yourself!

We are only small puppies and we know it best how we should behave around babies! See it for yourself. If we want to work with children later on - we should be socialised with them at early age. Well that is what the Lady sais...so see it for yourself - here we attach few photos!


Elzbieta Gajewska
Włochata Pasja

First Professional Australian Labradoodle Kennel in Poland

Fokker van originele Australian Labradoodles

Pierwsza hodowla Australijskich Labradoodle w Polsce

niedziela, 9 stycznia 2011

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year of 2011!


Elzbieta Gajewska
Włochata Pasja

First Professional Australian Labradoodle Kennel in Poland

Fokker van originele Australian Labradoodles

Pierwsza hodowla Australijskich Labradoodle w Polsce

Socialization through enriching enviroment (pictures of our puppies)

Slo­gan „Socia­li­sa­tion” is now being com­monly used in bre­eder socie­ties. A lot of them are very serious about the mat­ter, too serious some­ti­mes. From the early days pup­pies are often put into stress­ful situ­ations – early neu­ro­lo­gi­cal sti­mu­la­tion, early and too rough socia­li­za­tion which some­ti­mes begins at 3 weeks of age when the puppy is taken into a car for a drive. We let pup­pies listen to the radio with loud music, gun shots, dif­fe­rent noises. We act for the good sake of the pup­pies not reali­zing that it is very easy to overdo and to obtain totally dif­fe­rent result that we expect.
During the first weeks of their life pup­pies need quiet, peace­ful envi­ron­ment and their mother aro­und them all the time. When we start wor­king with them we sho­uld never ever turn on the radio too loud or expose them to loud, sud­den sounds. We sho­uld not turn the pup­pies on for pur­pose.
Instead we sho­uld help them build their self-confidence.
I invite you to watch the videos and pic­tu­res of 5 week old pup­pies for which enri­ched envi­ron­ment was build. Pup­pies get to meet dif­fe­rent sti­muli, they meet dif­fe­rent objects, smells (goat, fox, boar), they have an occa­sion to find them­se­lves in dif­fe­rent situ­ations – on, under or inside some­thing. They must accu­stom it with nice feeling. We hide dif­fe­rent tre­ats on such a play­gro­und and all they have to do is sniff. See for your­self – how rela­xed they are, how they acti­vate their sen­ses. Five weeks old pup­pies that do not run like crazy, do not tear each others’ ears but they sniff quie­tly. We can hear the music in the distance – but the sound is peace­ful and quiet. Lul­la­bies or chil­dren sto­ries are tur­ned on when the lec­tor is spe­aking slowly with toned voice. Some pup­pies would sit in front of the loud­spe­akers looking like hyp­no­ti­zed. ;-)
So shor­tly spe­aking – intro­du­cing dif­fe­rent sti­muli – YES, howe­ver slowly as over sti­mu­la­ting can do much harm to the puppies.

Please see the below videos:




Elzbieta Gajewska
Włochata Pasja

First Professional Australian Labradoodle Kennel in Poland

Fokker van originele Australian Labradoodles

Pierwsza hodowla Australijskich Labradoodle w Polsce

We have got puppies!

Gol­die was a very brave girl, her labor was long and not easy. Howe­ver we were all there to help her and take care of her. There came some sur­pri­ses along the way, but each of them is a new expe­rience that teaches us something.
Pup­pies are 22 days now and they still eat Goldie’s milk. We con­si­der it as very impor­tant that is why we do not intro­duce ano­ther food yet. We pay a spe­cial atten­tion if they gain regu­larly and if they spent eno­ugh time suc­king.
This will immu­nize the pup­pies at least until they are 6 weeks and ready to get their shots.
Few days ago we have tried some­thing ama­zing – the mas­sage. We star­ted at mas­sa­ging Gol­die first. It took her 5 minu­tes to fall asleep. We wan­ted to try this out on pup­pies gen­tly rub­bing them and the results were amazing.
The time came to look aro­und dif­fe­rent rooms in the house. Slowly, they will get to see eve­ry­thing. We have got to be really care­ful in order not to over sti­mu­late. Some ine­xpe­rien­ced often over sti­mu­late the pup­pies using neu­ro­lo­gi­cal sti­mu­la­tion and that often reflects nega­ti­vely on the dog in the future. The­re­fore we give the pup­pies some time, we do it slowly and in the right time.
We stron­gly believe that each puppy is born with a mis­sion and we are happy to lead them in the right direction.
Now we do a very sim­ple and spe­cial exer­ci­ses (that will work on the pup­pies’ mem­brane) that pre­vent pup­pies from the car sick­ness. Unfor­tu­na­tely nowa­days lot of dogs suf­fer from car sick­ness. Some people believe that they should drive a car with pup­pies inside of it when they are only 3 weeks old – they believe it sho­uld be the right exer­cise. We do not do this – I do not think this is the good way to put such a young puppy in this kind of stress in such an early age. We have got our own ways to do it without stres­sing pups too much. By the way – socia­li­za­tion sho­uld be fun and bring good memo­ries – not the bad ones. During this age – pup­pies sho­uld learn what is the most impor­tant – the sense that they are secure.
Enjoy the pho­tos of our beau­ti­ful pups.


Elzbieta Gajewska
Włochata Pasja

First Professional Australian Labradoodle Kennel in Poland

Fokker van originele Australian Labradoodles

Pierwsza hodowla Australijskich Labradoodle w Polsce