Hello and welcome to the blog of first Australian Labradoodles in Poland! Here we will be showing you our everyday life, what we do, who we are - especially for those of you who can not visit us in person. Enjoy reading! If you want to read more about Australian Labradoodles please visit the website: www.labradoodle.com.pl

czwartek, 25 sierpnia 2011

The article about Wlochata Pasja Australian Labradoodle in Dutch press. (Service dog)

Recen­tly in the Dutch local new­spa­per an article was laun­ched. It is an article about one of our pup­pies — Wlo­chata Pasja Maz­zel Tov, who now works for the orga­ni­za­tion for auti­stic people — SPECTRUM.
We are very proud of one of our pupils as well as his owners who put a lot of effort in a dog who he is right now. Our congratulation!
Here is the article:
The­rapy dog – Wlo­chata Pasja Maz­zel Tov shows the trust.
Light brown, long, curly haired with happy face. Austra­lian Labra­do­odle Maz­zel Tov is a pupil of the Spec­trum group. Spec­trum is half-opened orga­ni­za­tion for people with autism. ortho-pedagog Hel­mine Poleij uses espe­cially tra­ined dog in order to affect auti­stic patients in a posi­tive way. She is very successful.
People with autism often suf­fer pro­blems with social inte­rac­tion and expres­sing their emo­tions. “Well-trained dogs are able to help to improve inte­rac­tion with other people,” says Hel­mine Poleij. “In many cases it also incre­ases self-confidence, when the dog listens to his master.” Hel­mine Poleij took Maz­zel Tov in the first place for her six year old foster son. He suf­fers from autism, and dif­fe­rent form of anxiety disor­ders. “One of these anxiety disor­ders is fear for big dogs,” con­ti­nues Hel­mine. “First I wan­ted to over­come this fear. I suc­ce­eded. Maz­zel had very posi­tive effect on his con­fi­dence. Based on this expe­rience I sug­ge­sted intro­du­cing “the­rapy dog” to Spec­trum organization.
The idea of intro­du­cing a “the­rapy dog” was welco­med by the Spec­trum team with an open arms. This way Maz­zel Tov now appe­ars in Spec­trum every Tues­day. Hel­mine uses him for indi­vi­dual clas­ses for patients suf­fe­ring from autism disor­ders. “One of my patients goes with me and the dog for a walk every week. Toge­ther we deve­lop a module that allows Maz­zel Tov to service as a“therapy dog. ”
The aim of this walk is to build con­fi­dence in patients. “People suf­fe­ring from any form of autism have low self-assessment, with low self-confidence,” expla­ins Hel­mine. “Walk with a dog is a very appro­priate tool for buil­ding self-confidence. Along the way we come across coun­tless une­xpec­ted situ­ations. Situ­ations to which you have to respond to. “As an exam­ple Hel­mine tells about unle­ashed dog who comes up to them with enor­mous speed. “In this situ­ation, you have to let your dog know that you take over the con­trol. And it is very dif­fi­cult for people with autism. The dog listens only when you speak to him cle­arly and direc­tly. If you suc­ceed, self-confidence incre­ases, decre­asing stress’ level.
Not every dog is suita­ble for the­rapy. Hel­mine esta­bli­shed cri­te­ria. “First of all, it was sup­po­sed to be allergy-friendly dog,” says Hel­mine. “My part­ner is aller­gic, it was the first con­di­tion to ful­fill. Besi­des, it was sup­po­sed to be big, smart dog with a sen­si­tive nature. “Sear­ching for the ani­mal cor­re­spon­ding to all the cri­te­ria was not easy. Austra­lian Labra­do­odle was ulti­ma­tely selec­ted. “Maz­zel has the size and nature of the Labra­dor and the fur and the intel­li­gence of the Poodle. Con­trary to popu­lar belief, Poodles are very intelligent. ”
Unfor­tu­na­tely, fin­ding the right breed is not eno­ugh. Tra­ined the­rapy dog costs a lot of time and energy. The­re­fore, Hel­mine and Maz­zel Tov often visit dog psy­cho­lo­gi­sts — HOGZ — Beha­vio­ral and Tra­ining Cen­tre for Dogs Zeeland. “Maz­zel was socia­li­zed there from a puppy age and he was intro­du­ced to dif­fe­rent sti­muli. For exam­ple, we intro­du­ced dif­fe­rent sounds in the bench. Cur­ren­tly Maz­zel is tra­ined how to respond to gestu­res. This requ­ires incre­ased effort. We alre­ady manage to calm the dog on com­mand. “To be able to calm down is a very impor­tant feature for a the­rapy dog. Patients with autism disor­ders are very sen­si­tive to any sti­muli. “The young Austra­lian labra­do­odle if neces­sary can be very quiet, but when his owner opens the door and shows that it is time off now, Maz­zel knows very well how to find the way out – jum­ping aro­und like a young puppy. “And that is beau­ti­ful about this dog. By nature he is che­er­ful and full of energy, but can also be very quiet if there is a need“says Hel­mine.
Hel­mine had a lot of suc­ces­ses with Maz­zel. One of her patients was afraid to leave his room by him­self. “The fear of cros­sing the thre­shold is com­mon for auti­stic people. Maz­zel helps them over­come this fear. At that cer­tain point patients for­get about those problems.”

Wlo­chata Pasja
First Ken­nel of Austra­lian Labra­do­odles in Poland

czwartek, 16 czerwca 2011

Rita goes to Turkey!!

This is lovely Rita. Children call her Rita Tita!
She is going to Turkey therefore she needs to stay few weeks longer than other puppies. So we contunue her socialisation;) So she meets neighbours, horses, she goes to excercise some on agility field. She grows and learns a lot. However everybody loves her so much that I do not know how we are ging to let her go:))) (just kidding Ebru;)))

Elzbieta Gajewska
Włochata Pasja

First Professional Australian Labradoodle Kennel in Poland

Fokker van originele Australian Labradoodles

Pierwsza hodowla Australijskich Labradoodle w Polsce


Our Precious Yindy (living in Holland now with Henriette, Tony and Sofie) has an opportunity to be on Royal Canin Callendar of 2012.

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Elzbieta Gajewska
Włochata Pasja

First Professional Australian Labradoodle Kennel in Poland

Fokker van originele Australian Labradoodles

Pierwsza hodowla Australijskich Labradoodle w Polsce

środa, 1 czerwca 2011

Australian labradoodles on agility field!

We have been taken today on agility field! oh that was a fantastic thing! we jumped , we climbed on a footbridge
, we went through tunnel. See it for yourself!

 Tomorrow, most of us are going to the new families. Pretty sad - especially for one person...who took care after us for so many weeks;( But she is happy that we will have wonderful new homes!


Elzbieta Gajewska
Włochata Pasja

First Professional Australian Labradoodle Kennel in Poland

Fokker van originele Australian Labradoodles

Pierwsza hodowla Australijskich Labradoodle w Polsce

sobota, 14 maja 2011

We have got new beautiful puppies!!

Rutlands Caramel Passion gave a birth to the beautiful puppies on 10 of April 2011.

Pippies are beautiful, they are very healthy and grow big and strong.

From the very beginning we did a lot with them so they will be well socialised and mentally stable puppies.

We are  introducing new people to them - man, woman, children, toodlers, and even strange poeople like Santa Claus- so that in future they will be ok with anyone of them.
Now we are introducing noises and different strange things from different materials  so that puppies can go into them, on them, under them and experiment.
See it for yourself!!!

See you later!


Elzbieta Gajewska
Włochata Pasja

First Professional Australian Labradoodle Kennel in Poland

Fokker van originele Australian Labradoodles

Pierwsza hodowla Australijskich Labradoodle w Polsce